Here's the list of the ICD-9 codes 290â€"319: mental disorders. The Source is the 9th edition of Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death (ICD-9, 1977). Based on the Recommendations of the Ninth Revision Conference, 1975, and Adopted by the Twenty-ninth World Health Assembly.
Psychosis (290â€"299)
Organic psychotic conditions (290â€"294)
- (290) Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions
- (290.0) Senile dementia, simple type
- (290.1) Presenile dementia
- (290.2) Senile dementia depressed or paranoid type
- (290.3) Senile dementia with acute confusional state
- (290.4) Arteriosclerotic dementia
- (290.8) Other senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions
- (290.9) Unspecified senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions
- (291) Alcoholic psychoses
- (291.0) Delirium tremens
- (291.1) Korsakov's psychosis, alcoholic
- (291.2) Other alcoholic dementia
- (291.3) Other alcoholic hallucinosis
- (291.4) Pathological drunkenness
- (291.5) Alcoholic jealousy
- (291.8) Other alcoholic psychoses (Include: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome)
- (291.9) Unspecified alcoholic psychoses (Include: alcoholic mania NOS, alcoholic psychosis NOS, alcoholism (chronic) with psychosis)
- (292) Drug psychoses
- (292.0) Drug withdrawal syndrome
- (292.1) Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states induced by drugs
- (292.2) Pathological drug intoxication
- (292.8) Other drug psychoses
- (292.9 Unspecified drug psychoses
- (292.9) Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
- (293) Transient organic psychotic conditions
- (293.0) Acute confusional state
- (293.1) Subacute confusional state
- (293.1) Other transient organic psychotic conditions
- (293.1) Unspecified transient organic psychotic conditions
- (294) Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic)
- (294.0) Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome (nonalcoholic)
- (294.1) Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere
- (294.8 Other (Include: Mixed paranoid and affective organic psychotic states, epileptic psychosis NOS (code also 345)
- (294.9 Unspecified
Other psychoses (295â€"299)
- (295) Schizophrenic psychoses
- (295.0) Simple type schizophrenia
- (295.1) Hebephrenic type schizophrenia
- (295.2) Catatonic type schizophrenia
- (295.3) Paranoid type schizophrenia
- (295.4) Acute schizophrenic episode
- (295.5) Latent schizophrenia (Include: latent schizophrenic reaction; schizophrenia: borderline, prepsychotic, prodromal; schizophrenia: pseudoneurotic, pseudopsychopathic)
- (295.6) Residual schizophrenia (Include: chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia, Restzustand (schizophrenic), schizophrenic residual state)
- (295.7) Schizoaffective type (Include: cyclic schizophrenia, mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis, schizoaffective psychosis, schizophreniform psychosis, affective type)
- (295.8) Other specified types of schizophrenia (Include: acute (undifferentiated), atypical schizophrenia, coenesthopathic schizophrenia)
- (295.9) Unspecified schizophrenia (Include: schizophrenia NOS, schizophrenic reaction NOS, schizophreniform psychosis NOS)
- (296) Affective psychoses
- (296.0) Manic-depressive psychosis, manic type
- (296.1) Manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type
- (296.2) Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic
- (296.3) Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed
- (296.4) Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed
- (296.5) Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, current condition not
- (296.6) Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified
- (296.8) Other affective psychoses
- (296.9) Unspecified affective psychoses (Include: affective psychosis NOS, Melancholia NOS)
- (297) Paranoid states
- (297.0) Paranoid state, simple
- (297.1) Paranoia
- (297.2) Paraphrenia (Include: involutional paranoid state, late paraphrenia)
- (297.3) Induced psychosis
- (297.8) Other specified paranoid states (Include: Paranoia querulans, Sensitiver Beziehungswahn)
- (297.9) Unspecified paranoid state (Paranoid: psychosis NOS/reaction NOS/state NOS)
- (298) Other nonorganic psychoses
- (298.0) Depressive type psychosis
- (298.1) Excitative type psychosis
- (298.2) Reactive confusion (Include: psychogenic confusion, psychogenic twilight state)
- (298.3) Acute paranoid reaction (Include: Bouffée délirante)
- (298.4) Psychogenic paranoid psychosis (Include: protracted reactive paranoid psychosis)
- (298.8) Other and unspecified reactive psychosis (Include: hysterical psychosis, psychogenic stupor, psychogenic psychosis NOS)
- (298.9) Unspecified psychosis (Include: psychosis NOS)
- (299) Psychoses with origin specific to childhood
- 299.0 Infantile autism (Include: childhood autism, Kanner's syndrome, infantile psychosis)
- (299.1) Disintegrative psychosis (Include: Heller's syndrome)
- (299.8) Other specified pervasive developmental disorders (Include: atypical childhood psychosis)
- (299.9) Unspecified psychoses with origin specific to childhood (Include: Child psychosis NOS, Schizophrenia, childhood type NOS, Schizophrenic syndrome of childhood NOS)
Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300â€"316)
Neurotic disorders (300)
- (300) Neurotic disorders
- (300.00) Anxiety states
- (300.1) Hysteria (Include: Astasia-abasia, hysterical; dissociative reaction or state, compensation neurosis, Ganser's syndrome, hysterical; conversion hysteria, hysteria NOS, conversion reaction, multiple personality)]
- (300.2) Phobic state (Include: agoraphobia, animal phobias, anxiety-hysteria, claustrophobia, phobia NOS)
- (300.3) Obsessive-compulsive disorders
- (300.4) Neurotic depression (Include: anxiety depression, neurotic depressive state,
depressive reaction, reactive depression)
- (300.5) Neurasthenia (Include: nervous debility)
- (300.6) Depersonalization syndrome
- (300.7) Hypochondriasis
- (300.8) Other neurotic disorders (Include: briquet's disorder; occupational neurosis, including writer's cramp, psychasthenia, psychasthenic neurosis)
- (300.9) Unspecified neurotic disorders (Include: neurosis NOS, psychoneurosis NOS)
Personality disorders (301)
- (301) Personality disorders
- (301.0) Paranoid personality disorder (Include: fanatic personality, paranoid personality (disorder), paranoid traits)
- (301.1) Affective personality disorder (Include: cycloid personality, depressive personality, cyclothymic personality)
- (301.2) Schizoid personality disorder
- (301.3) Explosive personality disorder (Include: aggressive:
personality/reaction, aggressiveness, emotional instability (excessive), pathological emotionality, quarrelsomeness)
- (301.4) Anankastic personality disorder (Include: compulsive personality, obsessional personality)
- (301.5) Hysterical personality disorder (Include: histrionic personality, psychoinfantile personality)
- (301.6) Asthenic personality disorder (Include: dependent personality, inadequate personality, passive personality)
- (301.7) Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation (Include: amoral personality, asocial personality, antisocial personality)
- (301.8) Other personality disorders (Include: personality: eccentric, "haltlose" type; personality: immature, passiveâ€"aggressive, psychoneurotic)
- (301.9) Unspecified personality disorder (Include: pathological personality NOS, personality disorder NOS, psychopathic: constitutional state, personality (disorder))
Sexual deviations and disorders (302)
- (302) Sexual deviations and disorders
- (302.0) Ego-dystonic sexual orientation; until 1990: homosexuality, include: lesbianism
- (302.1) Bestiality
- (302.2) Pedophilia
- (302.3) Transvestism
- (302.4) Exhibitionism
- (302.5) Trans-sexualism
- (302.6) Disorders of psychosexual identity (Include: Gender-role disorder)
- (302.7) Frigidity and impotence (Include: Dyspareunia, psychogenic)
- (302.8) Other sexual deviations and disorders (Include: fetishism, masochism, sadism)
- (302.9) Unspecified sexual deviations and disorders
Psychoactive substance (303â€"305)
- (303) Alcohol dependence syndrome (Include: acute drunkenness in alcoholism, dipsomania, chronic alcoholism)
- (304) Drug dependence
- (304.0) Morphine type dependence (Include drugs: heroin, methadone, opium, opium alkaloids and their derivatives, synthetics with morphine-like effects)
- (304.1) Barbiturate type dependence
- (304.2) Cocaine dependence
- (304.3) Cannabis dependence
- (304.4) Amphetamine and other psychostimulant dependence (Include drugs: phenmetrazine, methylphenidate)
- (304.5) Hallucinogen dependence (Include drugs: LSD and derivatives, mescaline, psilocybin)
- (304.6) Other drug dependence (Include: absinthe addiction, glue sniffing)
- (304.7) Combinations of morphine type drug with any other
- (304.8) Combinations excluding morphine type drug
- (304.9) Unspecified drug dependence (Include: drug addiction NOS, drug dependence NOS)
- (305) Nondependent abuse of drugs
- (305.0) Nondependent alcohol abuse
- (305.1) Nondependent tobacco use disorder
- (305.2) Nondependent cannabis abuse
- (305.3) Nondependent hallucinogen abuse
- (305.4) Nondependent barbiturates and tranquillizers
- (305.5) Nondependent morphine abuse
- (305.6) Nondependent cocaine abuse
- (305.7) Nondependent amphetamine abuse
- (305.8) Nondependent antidepressant type abuse
- (305.9) Nondependent other, mixed or unspecified (Include: "laxative habit", misuse of drugs NOS, nonprescribed use of drugs or patent medicinals)
Other (primarily adult onset) (306â€"311)
- (306) Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors
- (306.0) Musculoskeletal (Include: psychogenic torticollis
- (306.1 Respiratory (Include: air hunger hiccough (psychogenic), hyperventilation, psychogenic cough, yawning)
- (306.2 Cardiovascular (Include: cardiac neurosis, cardiovascular neurosis, neurocirculatory asthenia, psychogenic cardiovascular disorder)
- (306.3) Skin (Include: psychogenic pruritus
- (306.4) Gastrointestinal (Include: aerophagy; cyclical vomiting, psychogenic)
- (306.5 Genitourinary (Include: psychogenic dysmenorrhoea
- (306.6 Endocrine
- (306.7 Organs of special sense
- (306.8) Other (Include: teeth-grinding)
- (307) Special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere classified
- (307.0) Stammering and stuttering
- (307.1) Anorexia nervosa
- (307.2) Tics
- (307.3) Stereotyped repetitive movements (Include: stereotypies NOS)
- (307.4) Specific disorders of sleep (of nonorganic origin)
- (307.5) Other and unspecified disorders of eating (of nonorganic origin)
- (307.6) Enuresis
- (307.7) Encopresis
- (307.8) Psychalgia (Include: tension headache, psychogenic backache)
- (307.9 Other and unspecified (Include: hair plucking, lalling, lisping, masturbation, nail-biting, thumb-sucking)
- (308) Acute reaction to stress
- (308.0) Predominant disturbance of emotions
- (308.1) Predominant disturbance of consciousness
- (308.2) Predominant psychomotor disturbance
- (308.3) Other acute reactions to stress
- (308.4) Mixed disorders as reaction to stress
- (309) Adjustment reaction
- (309.0) Brief depressive reaction
- (309.1) Prolonged depressive reaction
- (309.2) With predominant disturbance of other emotions (Include: abnormal separation anxiety, culture shock)
- (309.3) With predominant disturbance of conduct
- (309.4) With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
- (309.8) Other adjustment reactions (Include: adjustment reaction with elective mutism, hospitalism in children NOS)
- (309.9) Unspecified adjustment reactions (Include: adjustment reaction NOS, adaptation reaction NOS)
- (310) Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage
- (310.0) Frontal lobe syndrome (Include: Lobotomy syndrome, Postleucotomy syndrome (state))
- (310.1) Cognitive or personality change of other type (Include: mild memory disturbance, organic psychosyndrome of nonpsychotic severity)
- (310.2) Postconcussional syndrome (Include: Postcontusional syndrome (encephalopathy), status post commotio cerebri; post-traumatic brain syndrome, nonpsychotic)
- (310.8) Other specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (Include: other focal (partial) organic psychosyndromes)
- (310.9) Unspecified specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage
- (311) Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified (Include: depressive disorder NOS, depressive state NOS, depression NOS)
Mental disorders diagnosed in childhood (312â€"316)
- (312) Disturbance of conduct, not elsewhere classified
- (312.0) Unsocialized disturbance of conduct (Include: unsocialized aggressive disorder)
- (312.1) Socialized disturbance of conduct (Include: group delinquency)
- (312.2) Compulsive conduct disorder (Include: Kleptomania)
- (312.3) Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotions (Include: neurotic delinquency
- (312.8) Other disturbance of conduct not elsewhere classified
- (312.9) Unspecified disturbance of conduct not elsewhere classified
- (313) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence
- (313.0) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with anxiety and fearfulness (Include: overanxious reaction of childhood or adolescence)
- (313.1) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with misery and unhappiness
- (313.2) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with sensitivity, shyness and social withdrawal (Include: withdrawing reaction of childhood or adolescence)
- (313.3) Relationship problems (Include: sibling jealousy
- (313.8) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence, other or mixed
- (313.9 Unspecified disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence
- (314) Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
- (314.0) Simple disturbance of activity and attention (Include: overactivity NOS)
- (314.1) Hyperkinesis with developmental delay (Include: developmental disorder of hyperkinesis)
- (314.2) Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
- (314.8) Other hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
- (314.8) Unspecified hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood (Include: hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS, hyperkinetic syndrome NOS)
- (315) Specific delays in development
- (315.0) Specific reading retardation (Include: developmental dyslexia, specific spelling difficulty)
- (315.1) Specific arithmetical retardation (Include: Dyscalculia)
- (315.2) Other specific developmental learning difficulties
- (315.3) Developmental speech or language disorder (Include: developmental aphasia, dyslalia
- (315.4) Specific motor retardation (Include: clumsiness syndrome, dyspraxia syndrome)
- (315.5) Mixed development disorder
- (315.8) Other specified delays in development
- (315.9) Unspecified specific delays in development (Include: developmental disorder NOS)
- (316) Psychic factors associated with diseases classified elsewhere
Mental retardation (317â€"319)
- (317) Mild mental retardation (Include: feeble-minded, high-grade defect, mild mental subnormality, moron)
- (318) Other specified mental retardation
- (318.0) Moderate mental retardation (Include: imbecile, moderate mental subnormality)
- (318.1) Severe mental retardation (Include: severe mental subnormality)
- (318.2) Profound mental retardation (Include: idiocy, profound mental subnormality)
- (319) Unspecified mental retardation (Include: mental deficiency NOS, mental subnormality NOS)
See also
- List of ICD-9 codes
- ICD-10 Chapter F: Mental and behavioural disorders
External links
- Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death (ICD-9) (1977) (in English)