This is a list of free and open-source software packages, computer software licensed under free software licenses and open-source licenses. Software that fits the Free Software Definition may be more appropriately called free software; the GNU project in particular objects to their works being referred to as open-source. For more information about the philosophical background for open-source software, see free software movement and Open Source Initiative. However, nearly all software meeting the Free Software Definition also meets The Open Source Definition and vice versa. A small fraction of the software that meets either definition is listed here.
Some of the open-source applications are also the basis of commercial products, shown in the List of commercial open-source applications and services.
Applied fields
Top 5 - Open Source Utility Software - From a free antivirus to a sweet FTP - there are many ways to improve the performance of your computer for free! In this OS ALT I talk about some of the best open source utility software available...
Artificial intelligence
- General:
- OpenCog â€" A project that aims to build an artificial general intelligence (AGI) framework. OpenCog Prime is a specific set of interacting components designed to give rise to human-equivalent artificial general intelligence.
- Computer Vision:
- AForge.NET â€" Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics library for the .NET Framework
- OpenCV â€" Computer Vision Library in C++
- Machine Learning:
- See List of open-source machine learning software
- See Data Mining below
- See R programming language â€" packages of statistical learning and analysis tools
- Planning:
- TREX â€" Reactive planning
- Robotics
- ROS â€" Robot Operating System
- YARP â€" Yet Another Robot Platform
- FreeCAD â€" Parametric 3D CAD modeler with a focus on mechanical engineering, BIM, and product design
- LibreCAD â€" 2D CAD software using AutoCAD-like interface and file format
Electronic design automation (EDA)
Computer simulation
- Blender â€" 3D modeling software written in C, C++, and Python containing cloth, hair, fluid, particle, and rigid body simulation techniques
- SimPy â€" Queue-theoretic event-based simulator written in Python
- flightgear â€" Flight simulator written for Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux
- FeatFlow â€" High-performance computational fluid dynamics CFD FEM solver
- Adempiere â€" Enterprise resource planning (ERP) business suite
- Bitcoin Core â€" Peer-to-peer decentralised digital currency
- Bonita Open Solution â€" Business Process Management
- CiviCRM â€" Constituent Relationship Management software aimed at NGOs
- Compiere â€" ERP solution automates accounting, supply chain, inventory, and sales orders
- Cyclos â€" Software for microfinance institutions, complementary currency systems and timebanks
- Dolibarr â€" Web-based ERP system
- ERPNext â€" Web-based open-source ERP system for managing accounting and finance
- GnuCash â€" Double-entry book-keeping
- HomeBank â€" Personal accounting software
- iDempiere â€" Bussines Suite, ERP and CRM
- Ino erp â€" Dynamic pull based system ERP
- jFin â€" Java-based trade-processing program
- JFire â€" An ERP business suite written with Java and JDO
- KMyMoney â€" Double-entry book-keeping
- LedgerSMB â€" Double-entry book-keeping
- metasfresh â€" ERP Software
- Mifos â€" Microfinance Institution management software
- Odoo â€" Open-source ERP, CRM and CMS
- Openbravo - web-based ERP
- OrangeHRM â€" Commercial human resource management
- Postbooks â€" Integrated accounting and ERP business suite
- QuickFIX â€" FIX protocol engine written in C++ with additional C#, Ruby, and Python wrappers
- QuickFIX/J â€" FIX protocol engine written in Java
- RCA open-source application
- SQL Ledger â€" Double-entry book-keeping
- SugarCRM â€" Commercial Customer Relationship Management
- Tryton - Open-source ERP
- TurboCASH â€" Double-entry book-keeping for Windows
- Wave Accounting â€" Double-entry book-keeping
- ZipBooks â€" Double-entry book-keeping
Integrated Library Management Software
- Evergreen â€" Integrated Library System initially developed for the Georgia Public Library Service's PINES catalog
- Koha â€" SQL-based library management
- NewGenLib
- OpenBiblio
- refbase â€" Web-based institutional repository and reference management software
Image editor
- Darktable â€" Digital image workflow management, including RAW photo processing
- digiKam â€" Integrated photography toolkit including editing capabilities
- GIMP â€" Raster graphics editor aimed at image retouching/editing
- Inkscape â€" Vector graphics editor
- Krita â€" Digital painting and sketching application, with a variety of brush engines
- LightZone - Free, open source digital photo editor software application.
- RawTherapee â€" Digital image workflow management aimed at RAW photo processing
Reference management software
- Chemistry Development Kit
- JOELib
- OpenBabel
Geographic Information Systems
Grid computing
- P-GRADE Portal â€" Grid portal software enabling the creation, execution and monitoring of workflows through high-level Web interfaces
Microscope image processing
- CellProfiler â€" Automatic microscopic analysis, aimed at individuals lacking training in computer vision
- Endrov â€" Java-based plugin architecture designed to analyse complex spatio-temporal image data
- FIJI (software) â€" ImageJ-based image processing
- Ilastik â€" Image-classification and segmentation software
- ImageJ â€" Image processing application developed at the National Institutes of Health
- IMOD â€" 2D and 3D analysis of electron microscopy data
- ITK â€" Development framework used for creation of image segmentation and registration programs
- KNIME â€" Data analytics, reporting, and integration platform
- OsiriX â€" macOS DICOM viewing software
- VTK â€" C++ toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualisation
- 3DSlicer â€" Medical image analysis and visualisation
Molecular dynamics
- Abalone â€" Molecular dynamics software
- Ascalaph Designer â€" Molecular modeling and simulation
- GROMACS â€" Protein, lipid, and nucleic acid simulation
- LAMMPS â€" Molecular dynamics software
- MDynaMix â€" General-purpose molecular dynamics, simulating mixtures of molecules
- NAMD â€" Parallel efficient simulation of large systems involving millions of atoms
- NWChem â€" Quantum chemical and molecular dynamics software
Molecule viewer
- Avogadro â€" Plugin-extensible molecule visualisation
- BALLView â€" Molecular modeling and visualisation
- Jmol â€" 3D representation of molecules in a variety of formats, for use as a teaching tool
- Molekel â€" Molecule viewing software
- MeshLab â€" Able to import PDB dataset and build up surfaces from them
- PyMOL â€" High-quality representations of small molecules as well as biological macromolecules
- QuteMol â€" Interactive molecule representations offering an array of innovative OpenGL visual effects
- RasMol â€" Visualisation of biological macromolecules
- Ninithi â€" Visualise and analyse carbon allotropes, such as Carbon nanotube, Fullerene, Graphene nanoribbons
Quantum chemistry
- CP2K â€" Atomistic and molecular simulation of solid-state, liquid, molecular, and biological systems
- GAMESS (US) â€" Computational chemistry application
Risk Management
- Active Agenda â€" Operational risk management and Rapid application development platform
- LimeSurvey â€" Online survey system
Assistive technology
Speech (synthesis and recognition)
- CMU Sphinx â€" Speech recognition software from Carnegie Mellon University
- Emacspeak â€" Audio desktop
- ESpeak â€" Compact software speech synthesizer for English and other languages
- Festival Speech Synthesis System â€" General multilingual speech synthesis
- Modular Audio Recognition Framework â€" Voice, audio, speech NLP processing
- NonVisual Desktop Access â€" (NVDA) Screen reader, for Windows
- Text2Speech â€" Lightweight, easy-to-use Text-To-Speech (TTS) Software
Other assistive technology
- Dasher â€" Unique text input software
- Gnopernicus â€" AT suite for GNOME 2
- Virtual Magnifying Glass â€" a multi-platform screen magnification tool
Data storage and management
Backup software
Database management systems (including administration)
Data mining
- Environment for DeveLoping KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures (ELKI) â€" Data mining software framework written in Java with a focus on clustering and outlier detection methods
- SCaViS â€" Java-based data analysis framework
- Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME)
- OpenNN â€" Open-source neural networks software library written in the C++ programming language
- Orange (software) â€" Data visualization and data mining for novice and experts, through visual programming or Python scripting. Extensions for bioinformatics and text mining
- RapidMiner â€" Data mining software written in Java, fully integrating Weka, featuring 350+ operators for preprocessing, machine learning, visualization, etc. â€" the previous version is available as open source
- Scriptella ETL â€" ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool. Supports integration with J2EE and Spring. Provides connectors to CSV, LDAP, XML, JDBC/ODBC, and other data sources
- Weka â€" data mining software written in Java featuring machine learning operators for classification, regression, and clustering
- JasperSoft â€" Data mining with programmable abstraction layer
Data Visualization Components
- ParaView â€" Plotting and visualization functions developed by Sandia National Laboratory; capable of massively parallel flow visualization utilizing multiple computer processors
- VTK â€" Toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualisation.
Digital Asset Management software system
- ResourceSpace â€" Widely used system with roots in the NGO sector
Disk partitioning software
Enterprise search engines
- ApexKB, formerly known as Jumper
- Lucene
- Nutch
- Solr
- Xapian
- Elasticsearch
ETLs (Extract Transform Load)
- Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME)
- Pentaho
- SpagoBI
- Talend
File archivers
File Systems
- OpenAFS â€" Distributed file system supporting a very wide variety of operating systems
- Tahoe-LAFS â€" Distributed file system/Cloud storage system with integrated privacy and security features
- CephFS â€" Distributed file system included in the Ceph storage platform.
Networking and Internet
- OpenX
- Asterisk â€" Telephony and VoIP server
- Ekiga â€" Video conferencing application for GNOME and Microsoft Windows
- FreePBX â€" Front-end and advanced PBX configuration for Asterisk
- FreeSWITCH â€" Telephony platform
- Jitsi â€" Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client
- QuteCom â€" Voice, video, and IM client application
- Enterprise Communications System sipXecs â€" SIP Communications Server
- Slrn â€" Newsreader
- Twinkle â€" VoIP softphone
- Ring â€" Cross-platform, peer to peer instant-messaging and video-calling protocol that offers end-to-end and SIP client
- Tox â€" Cross-platform, peer-to-peer instant-messaging and video-calling protocol that offers end-to-end encryption
- Geary (software) â€" email client based on WebKitGTK+
- Inky â€" email client with "smart views" that automatically organises email into individual folders
- Mozilla Thunderbird â€" email, news, RSS, and chat client
File transfer
Grid and distributed processing
- GNU Queue
- HTCondor
- OpenLava
- pexec
Instant messaging
IRC Clients
- Apache Axis2 â€" Web service framework (implementations are available in both Java & C)
- Apache Geronimo â€" Application server
- Bonita Open Solution â€" a J2EE web application and java BPMN2 compliant engine
- GlassFish â€" Application server
- Jakarta Tomcat â€" Servlet container and standalone webserver
- JBoss Application Server â€" Application server
- ObjectWeb JOnAS â€" Java Open Application Server, a J2EE application server
- TAO (software) â€" C++ implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard
- Enduro/X â€" C/C++ middleware platform based on X/Open group's XATMI and XA standards
RSS/Atom readers/aggregators
- Akregator â€" Platforms running KDE
- Liferea â€" Platforms running GNOME
- RSS Bandit â€" Windows, using .NET Framework
- RSSOwl â€" Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux using Java SWT Eclipse
- Sage (Mozilla Firefox extension)
Peer-to-peer file sharing
- Popcorn Time â€" Multi-platform, free, and open-source media player
Portal Server
- Drupal
- eXo Platform
- Liferay
- Oxwall â€" Community site software
- Sun Java System Portal Server
- uPortal
Remote access and management
- FreeNX
- OpenVPN
- rdesktop
- Synergy
- VNC (RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC)
- Remmina
Routing software
Web browsers
- Chromium â€" Minimalist web browser from which Google Chrome draws its source code
- Firefox â€" Mozilla-developed web browser using the Gecko layout engine
- Midori â€" Lightweight web browser using the WebKit layout engine
- Waterfox â€" Alternative to Firefox (64-Bit only)
- Cheese â€" GNOME webcam application
- Guvcview â€" Linux webcam application
- cURL
- HTTrack
- Wget
- Apache Cocoon â€" A web application framework
- Apache â€" The most popular web server
- AWStats â€" Log file parser and analyzer
- BookmarkSync â€" Tool for browsers
- Cherokee â€" Fast, feature-rich HTTP server
- curl-loader â€" Powerful HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS loading and testing tool
- Hiawatha â€" Secure, high performance, and easy-to-configure HTTP server
- HTTP File Server â€" User-friendly file server software, with a drag-and-drop interface
- lighttpd â€" Resource-sparing, but also fast and full-featured, HTTP Server
- Lucee â€" CFML application server
- nginx â€" Lightweight, high performance web server/reverse proxy and e-mail (IMAP/POP3) proxy
- NetKernel â€" Internet application server
- Qcodo â€" PHP5 framework
- Squid (software) â€" Web proxy cache
- Vaadin â€" Fast, Java-based framework for creating web applications
- Varnish (software) â€" High-performance web application accelerator/reverse proxy and load balancer/HTTP router
- XAMPP â€" Package of web applications including Apache and MariaDB
- Zope â€" Web application server
Other networking programs
- JXplorer â€" LDAP client
- OpenLDAP â€" LDAP server
- YaCy â€" P2P-based search engine
- ownCloud â€" File share and sync server
- Wireshark â€" Network monitor
Educational suites
- ATutor â€" Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
- Chamilo â€" Web-based e-learning and content management system
- Claroline â€" Collaborative Learning Management System
- DoceboLMS â€" SAAS/cloud platform for learning
- eFront â€" Icon-based learning management system
- FlightPath â€" Academic advising software for universities
- GCompris â€" Educational entertainment, aimed at children aged 2â€"10
- Gnaural â€" Brainwave entrainment software
- H5P â€" Framework for creating and sharing interactive HTML5 content
- IUP Portfolio â€" Educational platform for Swedish schools
- ILIAS â€" Web-based learning management system (LMS)
- Moodle â€" Free and open-source learning management system
- OLAT â€" Web-based Learning Content Management System
- Omeka â€" Content management system for online digital collections
- openSIS â€" Web-based Student Information and School Management system
- Sakai Project â€" Web-based learning management system
- SWAD â€" Web-based learning management system
- Tux Paint â€" Painting application for 3â€"12 year olds
- UberStudent â€" Linux based operating system and software suite for academic studies
- KGeography â€" Educational game teaching geography
Learning support
- Kiten
- KVerbos
- KTouch â€" Touch typing lessons with a variety of keyboard layouts
- Tux Typing â€" Typing tutor for children, featuring two games to improve typing speed
Other educational programs
- KEduca â€" Test management and creation tool
File managers
Application layer
- WINE â€" Allows Windows applications to be run on Unix-like operating systems
Graphical user interface
Desktop environments
Window managers
Windowing system
Content management systems
Wiki software
Healthcare software
Hobby software
- CyberBrau
2D animation
- Pencil2D â€" Simple 2D graphics and animation program
- Pivot Animator â€" Application used to create stick figure and sprite animations
- Synfig â€" 2D vector graphics and timeline based animation
- Tupi (formerly KTooN) â€" Application for the design and creation of animation
- OpenToonz â€" Part of a family of 2D animation software
3D animation
- Blender â€" Professional computer graphics software featuring modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, simulation, rendering, camera tracking, video editing, and compositing
- OpenFX â€" Modeling and animation software with a variety of built-in post processing effects
- Seamless3d â€" Node-driven 3D modeling software
Audio editors, audio management
CD/USB-writing software
Flash animation
- Pencil2D â€" For animations
- SWFTools â€" For scripting
Image galleries
Image viewers
- Eye of GNOME
- F-spot
- Geeqie
- Gthumb
- Gwenview
- Kphotoalbum
- Opticks
Multimedia codecs, containers, splitters
Video converters
- Dr. DivX
- FFmpeg
- MEncoder
- OggConvert
Video editing
- Avidemux
- AviSynth
- Blender
- Cinelerra
- DScaler
- DVD Flick
- Flowblade
- Kaltura
- Kdenlive
- Kino
- Natron
- OpenShot Video Editor
- Pitivi
- Shotcut
- VirtualDub
- VirtualDubMod
- VideoLAN Movie Creator
Video encoders
- Avidemux
- HandBrake
- ShareX
Video players
- Media Player Classic
Other media packages
- Celtx â€" Media pre-production software
Operating systems
Be advised that available distributions of these systems can contain, or offer to build and install, added software that is neither free software nor open-source.
Emulation and Virtualisation
- VirtualBox
Password management
- KeePass
- Password Safe
- Mitro
Personal information managers
- Chandler â€" Developed by the OSAF
- KAddressBook
- Kontact
- KOrganizer
- Mozilla Calendar â€" Mozilla-based, multi-platform calendar program
- Novell Evolution
- OpenSync (software)
- â€" Commercial Project Management
- TeamLab â€" Platform for project management and collaboration
Programming language support
Bug trackers
- Bugzilla
- Mantis
- Mindquarry
- Redmine
- Trac
Code generators
- Bison
- CodeSynthesis XSD â€" XML Data Binding compiler for C++
- CodeSynthesis XSD/e â€" Validating XML parser/serializer and C++ XML Data Binding generator for mobile and embedded systems
- Flex lexical analyser â€" Generates lexical analyzers
- Kodos
- Open Scene Graph â€" 3D graphics application programming interface
- OpenSCDP â€" Open Smart Card Development Platform
- phpCodeGenie
- SableCC â€" Parser generator for Java and .NET
- SWIG â€" Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator for several languages
- ^txt2regex$
- xmlbeansxx â€" XML Data Binding code generator for C++
- YAKINDU Statechart Tools â€" Statechart code generator for C++ and Java
Documentation generators
- Doxygen â€" Tool for writing software reference documentation. The documentation is written within code.
- Mkd â€" The software documentation is extracted from the sources files, from pseudocode or comments.
- Natural Docs â€" Claims to use a more natural language as input from the comments, hence its name.
Configuration software
- Autoconf
- Automake
- BuildAMation
- CMake
Debuggers (for testing and trouble-shooting)
- GNU Debugger â€" "works for many programming languages [...]"
- Memtest86 â€" Stress-tests RAM on x86 machines
- Xnee â€" Record and replay tests
Integrated development environments
Version control systems
- Electric Sheep
- XScreenSaver
- ClamAV
- ClamWin
- Gateway Anti-Virus
- Lynis
Data loss prevention
Data recovery
- dvdisaster
- Foremost
- PhotoRec
- TestDisk
- The Coroner's Toolkit
- The Sleuth Kit
- USBKill
Disk erasing
- srm
- GnuPG
- GnuTLS
- OpenSSL
- Seahorse
- Signal
- TextSecure
- wolfCrypt
Disk encryption
- CrossCrypt
- FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer
- eCryptfs
Database encryption
- Mydiamo
- Coyote Linux
- Firestarter
- IPFilter
- ipfw
- iptables
- M0n0wall
- PeerGuardian
- PF
- pfSense
- Rope
- Shorewall
- SmoothWall
- Untangle
- Vyatta
Network and security monitoring
Secure Shell (SSH)
- Cyberduck â€" Mac OS X and Windows client (since version 4.0)
- Lsh â€" Server and client, with support for SRP and Kerberos authentication
- OpenSSH â€" Client and server
- PuTTY â€" Client-only
Other security programs
Bible study tools
- Go Bible â€" for Java mobile phones
- Marcion â€" for Linux and Windows, using Qt framework and embedded MySQL server
- OpenLP â€" Worship presentation software for churches to display songs, bibles, movies, etc.
- The SWORD Project â€" free Bible software project
See also
- Comparison of file synchronization software § Open-source
- List of HDL simulators § Free and open-source simulators
- List of optimization software § Free and open-source software
- List of concept- and mind-mapping software § Free and open-source
- List of spreadsheet software § Free and open-source software
- Comparison of FTP client software § Free and open-source software
- GNOME Core Applications
- List of GNU packages
- List of KDE applications
- List of formerly proprietary software
- List of Unix commands
General directories
- AlternativeTo
- CodePlex
- Free Software Directory
- Freecode
- Open Hub
- SourceForge
External links
- Open Source Software Directory (OSSD), a collection of FOSS organized by target audience.
- Open Source Living, a community-driven archive of open-source software (OSS).
- OpenDisc, a pre-assembled ISO image of OSS for Windows
- List of open-source programs (LOOP) for Windows, maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Project.
- The OSSwin Project, a list of free and open-source software for Windows