
Monday, December 4, 2017

In a 2008 meta-study, John Hattie popularized the concept of visible learning.

Hattie compared the effect size of many aspects that influence learning outcomes in schools and points out that in education most things work. The question is which strategies and innovations work best and where to concentrate efforts in order to improve student achievement. The Times Educational Supplement described Hattie's meta-study as "teaching's holy grail".

According to Hattie's findings, visible learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers. Hattie found that the ten most effective influences relating to student achievement are:

  1. Student self-reporting grades (d= 1.44)
  2. formative evaluation (d=0.9)
  3. teacher clarity (d=0.75)
  4. reciprocal teaching (d=0.74)
  5. feedback (d=0.73)
  6. teacher-student relationships (d=0.72)
  7. meta-cognitive strategies (d=0.69)
  8. self-verbalisation/ questioning (d=0.64)
  9. teacher professional development (d=0.62)
  10. problem-solving teaching (d= 0.61).

Some of the statistical methods used by Hattie have been criticised. Hattie himself admitted that of the two statistics in Visible Learning, one was calculated incorrectly throughout the book.

The phrase "visible learning" was used previously by Howard Gardner in his 2001 study "Making Learning Visible" as Inez De Florio argued in 2016.


Visible Learning Materials - Missouri EduSAIL
source : Visible Learning Materials - Missouri EduSAIL

External links

Visible Learning Meta-Study - VISIBLE LEARNING
source : Visible Learning Meta-Study - VISIBLE LEARNING

  • Education: What works and what does not, with Professor John Hattie, Bridging the Gaps: A Portal for Curious Minds

Hattie Ranking: Teaching Effects - VISIBLE LEARNING
source : Hattie Ranking: Teaching Effects - VISIBLE LEARNING

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